Jiahui Zhang
Nanyang Technological University Singapore |
Fangneng Zhan
Max Planck Institute for Informatics Germany |
Muyu Xu
Nanyang Technological University Singapore |
Shijian Lu
Nanyang Technological University Singapore |
Eric Xing
Carnegie Mellon University, USA MBZUAI, United Arab Emirates |
3D Gaussian splatting has achieved very impressive performance in real-time novel view synthesis. However, it often suffers from over-reconstruction during Gaussian densification where high-variance image regions are covered by a few large Gaussians only, leading to blur and artifacts in the rendered images. We design a progressive frequency regularization (FreGS) technique to tackle the over-reconstruction issue within the frequency space. Specifically, FreGS performs coarse-to-fine Gaussian densification by exploiting low-to-high frequency components that can be easily extracted with low-pass and high-pass filters in the Fourier space. By minimizing the discrepancy between the frequency spectrum of the rendered image and the corresponding ground truth, it achieves high-quality Gaussian densification and alleviates the over-reconstruction of Gaussian splatting effectively. Experiments over multiple widely adopted benchmarks (e.g., Mip-NeRF360, Tanks-and-Temples and Deep Blending) show that FreGS achieves superior novel view synthesis and outperforms the state-of-the-art consistently.
Overview of the proposed FreGS. 3D Gaussians are initialized by structure-from-motion. After splatting 3D Gaussians, we can obtain 2D Gaussians and then leverage standard α-blending for rendering. Frequency spectra Fˆ and F are generated by applying Fourier transform to rendered image Iˆ and ground truth I , respectively. Frequency regularization is achieved by regularizing differences of amplitude ∣F (u, v)∣ and phase ∠F (u, v) in Fourier space. A novel frequency annealing technique is designed to achieve progressive frequency regularization. With low-pass filter Hl and dynamic high-pass filter Hh, low-to-high frequency components are progressively leveraged to perform coarse-to-fine Gaussian densification. Note, the progressive frequency regularization is complementary to the pixel-wise loss between Iˆ and I. The red dashed line highlights the regularization process for Gaussian densification.
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title={FreGS: 3D Gaussian Splatting with Progressive Frequency Regularization},
author={Zhang, Jiahui and Zhan, Fangneng and Xu, Muyu and Lu, Shijian and Xing, Eric},
journal={arXiv preprint arXiv:2403.06908},
This webpage integrates components from many websites, including RefNeRF, RegNeRF, DreamFusion, and Richard Zhang's template. We sincerely thank the authors for their great work and websites.